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December 5, 2018International Fundraising Consultancy (IFC) founder and chair, John Baguley is offering his latest book, Fundraising and Zombies: A Guide to Charity Management at a discounted price to readers of Fundraising Europe.
Looking at the ‘zombie phenomena’ affecting charities, the book examines why charities fail to deal with ‘problem staff’ who lead them to underperform.
In a description of the book, John Baguley says:
“How do you survive and thrive in a world where your boss is a bit a zombie and what’s more his boss is too? Just how do you deal with staff who have been in post for years but are completely useless?
“We know that most people in charities are dedicated professionals who it is a pleasure to work with, but then again too many times key individuals just aren’t up to the job. If this is your experience, or your fear, then Fundraising and Zombies is for you and will help to guide you through the process of tackling the problem and getting your mojo back.”
The book explores how to deal with challenging people within the workforce at any level from co-worker to CEO, and how doing so can enhance a career, give personal satisfaction at work and improve one’s standing within their organisation.
It gives an insider’s view of the pitfalls and heroics of life in some of the UK’s best-loved charities. Real life anecdotes are examined and the problems they caused revealed, along with solutions and advice for how such issues can be dealt with.
Baguley has published a number of other books for fundraisers, including The Globalization of NGOs, Successful Major Donor Fundraising: How Boomers Changed the Rules, and Successful Fundraising.
Fundraising and Zombies is £19 on Amazon but is available for £15 including postage to readers who contact the author quoting ‘EFA’s Fundraising Europe’.