Member benefits
EFA connects the fundraising community across Europe, supporting its members in developing and advancing the fundraising profession within their nation.

We support members in developing internationally-recognised qualifications for fundraisers, accessing discounts at fellow members’ events and more.
Full membership is open to fundraising organisations, and national associations that represent individual fundraisers, fundraising organisations or both.
Associate membership is available to bodies which do not meet the full definition for Members, as given in the Membership Guidelines.
Why become a member?
Become part of this thriving network to:
● Gain practical support for setting up and growing fundraising associations and/or organizations developing fundraising in your country
● Access best practice guidance for fundraising
● Develop accredited qualifications for your nation’s fundraisers through EFA’s Certification scheme
● Accelerate the development of fundraising in your nation by tapping into European perspective and EFA’s knowledge base
● Be eligible for discounts to leading international fundraising events for you and your members
● Make your voice heard – EFA represents fundraisers’ needs and views at European level
● Meet your peers from across Europe – share ideas and discuss common ground
● Raise standards – help fundraisers in your nation raise more money for the vital causes they represent
● Take part in debate about EFA’s future and participate in General Assemblies
● Take advantage of promotional opportunities in the EFA newsletter Fundraising Europe
● Market your events via the EFA Events Calendar
● Benefit from a range of additional promotional opportunities with the EFA network (paid services)
Find out more about setting up a fundraising association or joining EFA here.
Member organisations