Sozialwerke Sieber & Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society among 2018 Swissfundraising Award winners
July 18, 2018
IFC 2018 to focus on importance of collaborative approach
September 19, 2018ASSIF, the Italian fundraising association, has announced its new board members, following an election for the posts in May.
The election took place on 26 May with 17 candidates up for the nine board member roles.
The nine elected members are: Giulia Barbieri, Nicola Bedogni, Andrea Caracciolo, Massimo Coen Cagli, Cristina Delicato, Riccardo Friede, Carlo Mazzini, Elena Quagliardi and Jara Vernarecci.
The new board elected Nicola Bedogni of Fondazione Isabella Seràgnoli as President, with Massimo Coen Cagli of Scuola di Roma Fundraising.it, and Elena Quagliardi of Lega del Filo d’Oro Onlus as Vice Presidents.
The board recently met to conduct the handover with the outgoing Board and to thank outgoing president Luciano Zanin for his work in growing the Association during his six years in office. The new board also used the meeting to start outlining the guidelines for the next three years’ activities. The work will continue during the board’s next meetings in July and September.