Global NGO technology report reveals online technology usage in Europe
March 21, 2018Guidance on donations acceptance & refusal issued by IoF
May 16, 2018The average salary for fundraisers in Switzerland is 105,300 Swiss francs (CHF) – approximately EUR 90,000 – according to a survey of Swissfundraising members by ZHAW.
The Center for Cultural Management of the ZHAW School of Management and Law surveyed the 640 members of Swissfundraising on how much they earn as well as on what else they consider to be important aspects of a job. 163 people completed the survey, 140 of which work at relief organisations, educational or cultural institutions while 23 are self-employed.
The study shows that salary levels depend on the age, experience and responsibility of the employees, rather than the area of activity or the size of the charity, with salaries ranging between 79,400 and 130,700 Swiss francs.
According to the survey, few major differences were noted in salary by gender, except among fundraisers in higher management roles, where men hold the majority of senior roles.
More than a third of those surveyed work in a managerial capacity and take responsibility for employees and the budget. Two-thirds of respondents also have a university or college degree. However, attaining this level of education does not significantly affect wages, the survey found, while holding fundraising-specific qualifications does positively affect remuneration.
The majority of fundraisers receive additional benefits through their employment, which reflect some of the factors they consider to be important for job satisfaction.
Swissfundraising’s project manager and fundraising consultant Andreas Cueni explained:
“Around 90% of respondents receive additional benefits such as public transport allowances, membership of professional associations or paid further education. Above all however, salaried fundraisers stated that they would like to have an open corporate culture, flexible working hours, a say and the opportunity to continue their education.”
In terms of the most favoured benefits, 81% said they would like to have an open corporate culture, while flexible working hours were important for 79%, having a say (68%) and the opportunity to continue their education (67%). Development opportunities (64%) and being able to work from home (53%) are also important.