ECNL publishes review of global fundraising self-regulation
December 4, 2019
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December 4, 2019At EFA’s Annual General Assembly in Oslo last month, Gosse Bosma, former director of Goede Doelen Nederland, stepped down from his role as EFA president after 3 years in post. He remains on the Board to support the association’s advocacy programme, while former vice president, Eduard Marček (co-founder and head of the Slovak Fundraising Centre), picks up the mantle as interim president.
“This has been another busy year for the European Fundraising Association and it’s fantastic to see the organisation working even more closely with a growing network of stakeholders to strengthen the fundraising environment,” says Bosma.
“Behind the scenes, we’ve been working hard to develop EFA’s certification programme for fundraising qualifications and I look forward to seeing the launch of the new excellence framework in the new year.”
Marček adds:
“We are hugely grateful to Gosse for his leadership in recent years and that he will remain on our Board. I look forward to working together with him and our colleagues across Europe to further develop EFA’s role at the heart of the European fundraising community.”
This news comes as Bosma, who has led Goede Doelen Nederland for over 20 years, takes a new career path as independent public affairs advisor and associated partner at Schinkelshoek & Verhoog (The Hague). In his new position, Bosma will devote part of his time to supporting the lobbying programme for Goede Doelen Nederland and SBF (Samenwerkende Brancheorganisaties Filantropie).
Jan van Berkel, chair of Goede Doelen Nederland, says:
“From the very beginning, Gosse has made an important contribution to the development of the association Goede Doelen Nederland and before that to VFI. We are very grateful to him for that.
“In recent years, Gosse has increasingly focused on advocacy. Now that he is taking this next step as a lobbyist, we are happy to use his vast knowledge on dossiers and his network, to further support our ambitions in The Hague and Brussels.”
Margreet Plug appointed director of Goede Doelen Nederland
As of the start of this month, Margreet Plug has been appointed director of Goede Doelen Nederland. Welcoming her to the role, van Berkel adds:
“In the past year, Margreet has shown with great enthusiasm her dedication to the association and to the fundraising profession. As the work of the sector comes under increasing pressure, we have launched an offensive to shape government policy that supports the work of charities, offers room and does not impose overly restrictive legislation. As the board, we have every confidence that Margreet will lead the organisation in meeting these challenges.”