IoF launches certification programme for public fundraisers
December 6, 2017
#GivingTuesday 2017 Hailed A Success, With First Appearance in Sweden
December 6, 2017Last month saw 13 fundraisers pass their Certifieringsutbildning Fundraising in Sweden and become EFA Certified fundraisers, bringing the total in the country to more than 80.
The ceremony for the 13 new certified fundraisers took place on 17 November, at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm.
The Certified Fundraiser programme runs over a year, divided into four modules that can be completed alongside participants’ full-time jobs. This was the sixth time the programme had run in Sweden. The next course is due to start in January 2018, and is run by Swedish Fundraising Council FRII in partnership with Berghs School of Communication.
The programme is an EFA Certified qualification. EFA Certification is a framework for the development of national qualifications for fundraising, all based on one core syllabus and a set of fundraising competencies. Once approved by EFA’s Certification Committee, qualifications are accredited and recognised internationally. Fundraising qualifications are currently available in 11 European nations: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.
Charlotte Rydh, secretary general for FRII, said:
“Fundraising requires more specific competence and understanding than before, which is why a programme like Certified Fundraiser is an important and welcome contribution to raising the standards of fundraising in Sweden. Also, many Swedish NGOs are finding it hard to recruit experienced fundraisers and, through this programme, we can provide attractive competence to the sector.”