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January 10, 2023The new EFA Certification Advanced Competence Framework has officially launched, with a focus on the competencies and skills required to lead and manage a successful and contemporary fundraising operation.
Covering everything from strategic fundraising planning skills to team management, it enables dedicated educational programmes to be established that support fundraising professionals on their leadership journey, helping them develop, and be assessed on, the skills and competencies required to lead and manage a successful and contemporary fundraising operation.
The Advanced Competence Framework handbook and application form are now available in the Certification section of the EFA site.
Speaking on the launch, EFA president Charlotte Rydh said:
“Many of the fundraisers that have completed an EFA Certified Standard Competence qualification (as well as other fundraising professionals) are now ready to move into leadership and are looking for training to support them in making this move a success. The EFA Certification Advanced Competence Framework has been developed to help fundraising associations and educational providers meet this need. We look forward to certifying the first qualifications!”
EFA has also launched the third edition of the EFA Certification Standard Competence Framework handbook. Revised and updated, it focuses on the fundraising competencies required in the standard EFA Certified fundraising qualification, together with guidelines for delivery and assessment.
The Standard Competence Framework has been providing fundraisers with a professional qualification recognised both across Europe and internationally since 2007. To date, over 6,250 fundraisers across 14 countries have completed an EFA Certified qualification.
EFA Certification is a framework for national fundraising qualifications, enabling fundraising associations and educational providers to develop their own qualifications around a common set of fundraising competencies. Once approved by EFA’s certification committee, they become accredited qualifications, recognised internationally.
The Advanced Competence Framework was first unveiled at September’s Certification Symposium, and officially launched at the 2022 EFA Skillshare at the end of November.
Picture: Amy Hirschi on Unsplash