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July 18, 2018
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July 18, 2018The Austrian Fundraising Association has launched a project to help nonprofit organisations promote integration and inclusion through digital education.
Fundraising Verband Austria has partnered with charity IT specialist Stifter-helfen.at to offer Let’s go digital: a training initiative that helps nonprofit organisations to prepare disadvantaged people for the future employment market. The project is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs with Fundraising Verband Austria and Stifter-helfen.it working together to help network individual digitisation initiatives and to support aid organisations with software, hardware and trainer training.
Through this initiative, Let’s go digital aims to connect and equip non-profit organisations (NPOs) that support migrants, refugees, low-qualified or people with learning disabilities to develop and offer training that will strengthen the digital literacy of these target groups.
A wide variety of NPOs are participating in the project, reflecting a range of digital topics as well as the different target groups.
Project manager Sarina Wiens said:
“We have large NPOs, such as SOS Children’s Villages, participating in the project as well as smaller initiatives who offer coding classes for refugees or unemployed people. Since not every unemployed person is interested in becoming a web developer, we ask that the training is geared to the target groups.”
For some, she added, this could be as basic as creating an email account or writing a resumé in Word, while others will have need more complex support.
The classes will start in September and will run until June 2019. “Ideally, this project is just a jump start that enables NPOs to offer more digital training in the future,” added Wiens.