Spanish non-profits must work harder to integrate digital into fundraising
February 5, 2020
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February 17, 2020The European Fundraising Association has an opening for academics to join its Certification Committee, and is currently inviting expressions of interest.
The EFA Certification Committee is responsible for assessing and accrediting applications for certified qualifications, and for reviewing the certification framework to ensure that it reflects the developments and competencies required of fundraisers.
The committee consists of between five and eight members, who are a mixture of EFA Board members, academic experts, and members of national fundraising bodies. The roles are voluntary and the regular term of office is two years with a maximum of three terms of office.
Dr. Beth Breeze, Director of the Global Challenges Doctoral Centre and Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent, is one of the current committee members. Speaking about her role, she says:
“It’s been a great opportunity to connect with those who care about the quality of fundraising education across Europe. Working alongside practitioners and national membership bodies is giving me insight into how academic knowledge is understood and used ‘on the ground’.
“I hope that together we can ensure that fundraisers across Europe get access to the most up-to-date, evidence-based knowledge that will improve their practice and, in turn, improve society.”
Applications are sought from ERNOP members who research and/or teach fundraising. The deadline for expressions of interest is 18 March 2020, and interested parties should email Denise Dawes or Charlotte Rydh, EFA Certification Committee chair and secretary general of Giva Sverige.