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January 15, 2025December saw Philea announce its publication of the first batch of countries of its 2024 update of profiles detailing the legal and fiscal environments for philanthropy across 40 countries in wider Europe.
Last updated in 2020, these profiles are written by national-level experts and provide an in-depth analysis of requirements such as those for registration, reporting, economic activity, governance, and tax treatment. They also outline trends and developments in each country.
The profiles are designed to help researchers, the sector, philanthropy partners and policymakers with the analysis of trends and developments in their countries.
13 were published in December. The remainder of the profiles will be published early this year and made freely available on Philea’s website.
They will also serve as the basis for an updated version of Philea’s benchmark publication, Comparative Highlights of Foundation Laws. This publication, developed with an advisory committee, provides key insights to enable legislators, philanthropists and academics to compare what is happening elsewhere with their own domestic situations, and help national efforts to advocate for a more favourable operating environment.
Picture by Gintarė Kairaitytė on Pexels